Life Cycles and Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD)
It is a course created for graduate students and healthcare professionals. The classes will address the following subjects in a cross-disciplinary manner: Developmental Origins of Health and Disease. Advocacy in DOHaD. Transgenerational mechanisms in DOHaD: Epigenetics. First 1000 days interventions. Development Cohorts. First Nations people from a DOHaD perspective.
Prof. Fabíola Isabel Suano de Souza
(Universidade Federal de São Paulo – UNIFESP, Brazil)
Prof. Cristiane Matté
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul – UFRGS, Brazil)
Prof. Erika Chavira-Suárez
(Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México – UNAM, Mexico)
Prof. Prof. Paola Casanello
(Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile – PUC, Chile)
Course information:
Target audience:
1. Graduate students enrolled in the Graduate Program in Pediatrics and Sciences Applied to Pediatrics, Biochemistry, Physiology, Obstetrics and other programs at the participating institutions or other institutions.
2. Health professionals.
30 hours or 2 credits (18 synchronous activities and 12 asynchronous activities - classroom)
Language of the course:
Portuguese, Spanish and English (without simultaneous translation)
100 master or PhD students + 50 professionals
June, 24 - July, 20 (Finished!)
Documents required for subscription:
1. application form,
2. copy of identity,
3. undergraduate diploma (if applies),
4. document from your Postgraduation program proving active master or PhD enrollment (if applies).
If you are a postgraduation student (Master or PhD), please, send the documents 1-4 to PPG Bioquímica - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul – UFRGS, Brazil (ppgbioq@ufrgs.br) to perform your subscription (free of cost).
If you are a professional, please, fill the Application form and send the documents 1-2 to LA-DOHaD Regional Society (sec.la.dohad@gmail.com) Also, make a donation of $20 (US$) to validate your subscription. The payment could be done using the yellow button at the top of the website (DONATE), accessing PayPal (payment to cristianematte@gmail.com) ou, if you are Brazilian, by PIX (R$ 100,00 Chave PIX: cristianematte@gmail.com).
Topic 1. August 1st (Thursday 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm Brazilian time)
Opening, welcome and general guidelines
Advocacy in DOHaD
Coordinators: Elena Zambrano and Antonio Marcus Paes
Opening lecture: Lucilla Poston. DOHaD research in the 2020s: approaches and challenges.
Cultural lecture: Dan Saladino. Eating to extinction.
Topic 2. August 8th (Thursday 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm Brazilian time)
Transgenerational mechanisms in DOHaD: Epigenetics
Coordinators: Maria Luiza Lazo de la Vega Monroy and Adriana Souza Torsoni
Erika Chavira-Suárez. What do we know about the epigenome in developmental programming?
Andrea Leiva. Hypercholesteremia in pregnancy, a new player in the DOHaD board: contribution to maternal and offspring cardiovascular risk
Topic 3. August 15th (Thursday 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm Brazilian time)
Intrauterine growth on postnatal health: intergenerational impact
Coordinators: Paola Casanello, Thomas Ong and Gloria Barbosa-Sabanero
Susan Ozanne. Intergenerational impact of obesity during pregnancy - how can we intervene?
Nathalia Cristina de Freitas Costa. Gestational weight gain and its association with maternal and infant adverse outcomes.
Topic 4. August 29th (Thursday 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm Brazilian time)
Development Cohorts
Coordinators: Maria Albertina Santiago Rego and Néstor Alejandro Dinerstein
José Villar - Early human growth in health and disease: the INTERGROWTH 21st cohort project.
Bernardo Horta. Pelotas cohorts: 4 decades of birth cohorts
Topic 5. September 5th (Thursday 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm Brazilian time)
Vulnerable populations from a DOHaD perspective
Coordinators: Michele Monroy-Valle and Silvana Benzecry
Marly A. Cardoso. Building a healthier future: child health and vulnerable populations in Brazil
Pablo Nepomnaschy. Indigenous Mothers and Children, what the DOHaD field can contribute and how should we do it.
Topic 6. September 12th (Thursday 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm Brazilian time)
DOHaD in a translational perspective
Coordinators: Erika Chavira-Suárez, Paola Casanello and Débora Sabatelli
Patrícia Pelufo Silveira. Translational studies in DOHaD
Guadalupe Estrada-Gutierrez. Translating the DOHaD concept to improve the next generation´s health